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All publications listed are not to be repoduced without the explicit consent of Ezra Singh

J.M.W Turner: Science Through Art

May 20, 2015


J.M.W Turner was an enigmatic painter who lived between the end of the 18th century and the start of the 19th. Turner is often recognized for his early landscape paintings; images filled with refined technique and skill. But beyond that, there was something strange and innovative about his later work. His later work reflects a type of “loose-brush” painting style characteristic of the impressionist period, despite only living during the romantic period. Turner’s style was a centaury ahead of his time, some consider Claude Monet or Paul Cézanne to be the father of impressionism, but it was Turner who began the style long before them.

Linear Signal Conversion with Taylor Approximations

Fall 2014


A truncated Taylor Expansion can be used as a mathematical model to convert linear signals into differential; non-linear signals. By chaining Operational Amplifiers in the integration configuration, and summing the outputs it is possible to generate signals that match the behavior of trigonometric, polynomial, and transcendental functions.

Project: BINARY

Summer of 2014


Digital circuits can be found in almost any electronic device from cell phones to computers to even spacecrafts. As a STEM initiative, project: BINARY will implement the logical philosophy of digital circuits and instill critical thinking. Using a fun game, the electrical processes of binary circuits will be emulated and taught in an active and cohesive manner. The fundamental ideas of digital circuits do not require any knowledge of electronics or mathematics, and can be taught to most students. Not only will this project provide insight to digital circuits, but it will build an analytical thought process in students, which is highly critical in today's curriculum.

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